Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Education...

It’s no secret that I am in school right now trying to better my future…or not better my future. Why you ask would I possibly be risking “not bettering my future”? Well the longer I’m in school I’m starting to wonder how educational school has really been for me. Maybe it’s me and maybe I’m missing something from the syllabus’ but as far as I can recall there are some things I have yet to learn. Who knows, maybe this particular piece of information I’m yearning for doesn’t come until senior year. Since none of my college professors find it necessary to teach me I must come to you. Can anyone please explain to me the phrase…or word…or words…”believeyoume”? Is it “believe-you-me”, just plain “believe you me”, or “believe, you, me”? So that’s the first question, my next question is what does it mean? I caught myself at work the other day accidently using this word, words, or phrase. I was so irritated. I think if I had the option I would have left work early. I could not believe this had just come out of my mouth. That moment really solidified for me that sometimes I just don’t know what the H I’m talking about. Seriously, why would I even say that when I don’t know what it even means? I asked around and I’m pretty sure I used it in the correct context and yet no one could tell me what that context is. Are you serious? I wanted to throw up; I still want to throw up. Yesterday morning I went to my human anatomy class and asked my teacher to better educate me and he laughed like I was insane? Ok, sure…he teaches Anatomy and not English but aren’t they supposed to get their generals complete in school before they become teachers? How did he not at least learn this? ANY information and/or thoughts are heavily requested here. I’m seriously losing sleep…


Marcy Cheney said...

Well, believeyoume, I am just as puzzled by this phrase as you are!! I don't believe there is an explanation for it and that people just say it when they don't have a clue--kinda like I'm doing right now. Anywhoo...hang in there and that education WILL pay off when you have to support your Dad and I in our old age :-)
Now go to sleep Missy and quit thinkin' so much. Love ya...Mama

Jennifer said...

I think it's a phrase that the govenment came up with to keep the seperation between the higher up and the lower downs...I mean, higher up wouldn't use such horrible grammer, would they? I also think it's one of those things that people can use to know their "kind". I'd like to think that if I was there when you uttered such nonsense, I would have asked you for some moonshine.

Brooke said...

Oh my gosh! That seriously made my day! That is so cute of you to say! I love that you blog stalk me, and please know that I am one of the biggest blog stalkers EVER, so you shouldn't feel bad about that. Ha ha. I seriously meet people, and I'm like, "Oh I know you. I've seen your blog." It's pathetic! I hope you continue to read and be entertained by my blog. I love Lizz. I'm actually going to Vegas with her next weekend and I'm SO excited! We should all get together and go eat or something!

Jeremy & Amy Mahmood said...

k--If I must I'll be the serious one for you. It's an old phrase (like my grandparents actually used) that is like saying, I'm serious, believe me. It would be believe you me. It's horrible grammer and slang. You probably actually learned it from me, sorry :). The fact I can explain it probably solidifys that.

Zach and Sara said...

This one I definately added to my vocabulary in 5th grade! I should be more specific. I know what it means...heck, I used it in a sentance. I was really looking for some history behind the retardedness of it and the grammer behind it!